NICTA Type Approval

1.0 Introduction

1.1 NICTA is the authorized regulatory body established in Papua New Guinea (PNG) under an Act of Parliament (the NICT Act, 2009) and is granted powers and responsibilities concerning the regulation of radio communications and spectrum, and the ICT industry including telecommunication equipment.

1.2 Part XI (Division 4), Section 218 and 219 of the NICT Act, 2009 mandates NICTA to make rules and guidelines in accordance with Division 6, Section 30 and 31 of the NICT (Radio Spectrum) Regulation, 2010.

1.3 Under the provisions of the Act, a dealer who wishes to manufacture, import or repair or adjust, let for hire, sell or offer or possess for sale any ICT apparatus must first obtain a Radio Dealer’s License from NICTA

1.4 The Act makes it an offence for anyone to deal in, let for hire, sell, offer or possess for sale or connects any ICT apparatus which is not type approved.

1.5 Dealers will be required to comply with the relevant licensing conditions, type approval standards or specifications and other conditions where NICTA sees necessary in accordance with the provisions of the Act, regulations and any rules and guidelines issued under the Act.

1.6 Registration of any ICT apparatus is based on a declaration of conformity supported by test reports from recognized test houses and relevant technical documentation. Registered equipment shall be marked or labeled with NICTA approved label so that it can be used in PNG.

1.7 The guidelines stated in this instrument include definitive statement of the roles and responsibilities of NICTA and for any dealer wishing to register equipment with NICTA. They require ICT apparatus to comply with relevant technical standards and specifications and to be registered with NICTA before it can be supplied and or used in PNG.

1.8 This instrument is the revised version of the Type Approval Guideline, that aligns with the new legislation and regulations and should be read in conjunction with the National Information and Communications Technology Act 2009 (the NICT Act, 2009), the Radio Spectrum Regulation, 2010 and the Guidelines for Radio Dealers Licence.