NICTA Type Approval

10.0 – Procedures for Equipment Submission

10.1 Equipment assigned for type approval testing should be delivered to:- 

The Senior Inspector – Type Approval & Inspections National Information and Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) Licensing and Enforcement Department P.O. Box 8227 BOROKO, National Capital District

10.2 The package should be marked “Equipment for Type Approval Testing”. Note, some classes of apparatus will be tested on site by prior arrangement.

10.3 NICTA will not assume liability for any damage or loss of such equipment whilst they are under its custody.

10.4 The equipment shall be accompanied by the following:-

a. A completed Application Form (TA100); b. The appropriate applicable fee and c. A service manual for the equipment containing the:

  • Operating instructions;
  • Technical Specifications;
  • Circuit Diagrams;
  • Component Values;
  • Alignment Instructions and;
  • Drawings of control and component layouts. The manual will be retained by NICTA.

d. Test results from the manufacturer and conformity test bodies must be submitted with the equipment when requested by NICTA. e. Compliance certificates must be submitted with the equipment when requested by NICTA. f. Leads or suitably accessible connectors to allow test connections to be made where needed.

10.5 The owners will be advised to collect their equipment or make arrangement for the equipment dispatchment to their location when tests are completed. Freight or shipment cost is the responsibility of the owner.

10.6 Any sample unit submitted for compliance testing which is not collected by the owner will be properly documented and shall be declared for sale under NICTA’s Code of Ethic.

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