NICTA Type Approval

5.0 Type approval registration schemes

NICTA has introduced equipment registration and type approval framework schemes for regulating the approval of ICT equipment for sale and use in Papua New Guinea.

These schemes are;

A. Basic Approval Scheme (BAPS)

BAPS consist of two ICT equipment categories:

i. Controlled Customer Equipment ii. Customer Equipment

B. Equipment Registration Scheme (ERS)

ERS is further divided into two categories of registration:

i. Compulsory Equipment Registration Scheme (CERS) and; ii. Simplified Equipment Registration Scheme (SERS).

5.1 Basic Approval Scheme (BAPS)
5.1.1 In this scheme, the equipment scope covers Customer Equipment and Controlled Customer Equipment associated with telecommunication.

a. Customer Equipment

i. Under the BAPS, a person or a dealer is permitted to sell any unregulated Customer Equipment listed in Schedule 1, and it is not subject to type approval test. However, the dealer must complete the form TA100 for registration purposes.

ii. It is required that the equipment comply with NICTA standards and International standards recognized by NICTA; and that such equipment must interoperate seamlessly with the relevant ICT system or licensed network operator’s equipment.

iii. The list of technical standards applicable to the unregulated Customer Equipment is set out in Schedule 1.

b. Controlled Customer Equipment

i. As specified in section 191 of the NICT Act, a Controlled Customer Equipment (CCE) is certain customer equipment that connects a customer network to a provider facility, and it shall be subject to the Type Approval Regulation. ii. The detailed description of the CCE regulation can be found in the Controlled Customer Equipment Guideline. iii. A list of the CCE equipment and applicable standards is provided in Schedule 2 of this guideline. iv. The following is the type approval procedure for the CCE equipment.

The dealer shall complete and submit to NICTA a type approval form (TA100) and a Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) form (see Schedule 8) as per the equipment model basis.
The dealer shall submit test reports and Declaration of Conformity (DoC) certificate.
The TA100, DoC, SDoC and test reports will be evaluated by NICTA and a Type Approval Certificate shall be issued if all the technical compliance requirements are met. 

5.1.2 NICTA shall direct a dealer to cease selling and to dispose of the equipment exempted under the BAPS Scheme if it is found to be non-compliant with the standards and specifications recognized by NICTA.

5.1.3 Failure to comply with directions issued by NICTA shall be considered as breach of instructions and NICTA shall take an appropriate action against the Dealer(s) concern.

5.2 Equipment Registration Scheme (ERS)
a. This scheme covers general radio and satellite communication apparatus. It is required that all the apparatus under this scheme shall be type approved and registered before sale or use in PNG. Refer to sub-section 7.2. b. Type Approval compliance requirements are detailed in the application requirement package in Schedule 5, please comply with them when applying for type approval.

5.2.1 Compulsory Equipment Registration Scheme (CERS)

  • a. The CERS applies to all categories of radiocommunications apparatus, satellite communication apparatus and covers categories of apparatus listed in Schedule 3.
  • b. All apparatus under CERS are subjected to NICTA’s Type Approval regime including any test and certification requirements. However, at NICTA’s discretion, any device test may be waived upon production of evidence of existing Type Approval Certificate, Test Reports and Declaration of Conformity (DoC) under an existing recognized International Type Approval regime such as those listed in Schedule 6.
  • c. Suppliers and dealers shall comply with all the requirements set out in the application requirement package provided in Schedule 5.
  • d. NICTA shall grant Type Approval Certificates if all the requirements set forth in Schedule 5 or in sub- section 12.2 are complied with.

5.2.2 Simplified Equipment Registration Scheme (SERS). a. The SER Scheme applies to Short Range Devices (SRD) or Low Interference Potential Devices (LIPD) and Wireless Devices set out in Schedule 4. b. SRD or LIPD is classified under Class Licence and therefore:

  • no licence is required to operate the equipment;
  • no fees payable; and
  • no type approval test required.

However, the device must be registered in the type approval equipment register for the purpose of substantiating compliance. Refer to sub-section 7.2.

  • c. NICTA shall grant a Letter of Acceptance and Confirmation upon registering the equipment, subject to requirements set forth in d, e, and f below.
  • d. Suppliers and Dealers may be requested by NICTA to submit a sample unit and technical specifications document for proof of compliance only if necessary.
  • e. Relevant requirements applicable to SERS as specified in the application requirement package, Schedule 5, shall be complied with as far as practical.
  • f. NICTA may further direct a dealer to provide specific information on the equipment only where necessary.
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