6.1 All ICT equipment intended for used in Papua New Guinea shall comply with relevant local and International Technical Standards recognized by NICTA such as electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and operational requirements for radio communication devices.
6.2 The list of technical standards for ICT equipment is set out in Schedule 1, 2 and 3; where a suitable standard is unavailable, NICTA shall apply other standards deemed appropriate.
6.3 It is required that an ICT apparatus:
6.4 Dealers ensure that all ICT apparatus must be compliant with power supply requirements and charging accessories standards in PNG.
6.5 NICTA will only accept specification of imported apparatus once it views its content. Updated versions of such specifications shall not be accepted automatically and therefore shall be subject to review by NICTA.
6.6 NICTA technical standards aim to address public safety and protection of network infrastructure. The technical specifications do not address matters of equipment quality or brands.