NICTA Type Approval

7.0 Application Requirements


7.1 An application for type approval shall be made by an authorized Importer, a local or an International ICT Equipment Manufacturer, a Licence Dealer, a company or any person bringing into PNG an ICT Equipment from an overseas country.

7.2 All apparatus under CERS and CCE category is required to undergo type approval process, equipment under other registration schemes are required to complete the Type Approval (TA) application form (TA100) for equipment registration purpose only.

7.3 Type Approval application form (TA100) is available on the NICTA website or can be obtained from the NICTA Office. Completed forms may be delivered:

  • by hand to NICTA Head Office located at Frangipani Street, Hohola, NCD, Monday to Friday from 8.30am – 4.30pm;
  • by post and addressed to Type Approval, NICTA, P.O. Box 8444, BOROKO, 111, NCD, Papua New Guinea;
  • by email to

7.4 Where the application is sent electronically, the files must be non-editable but in printed format such as PDF or JPG.

7.5 Type Approval application and equipment registration is also available via the Online Equipment Registration (OER) located at http://

7.6 The type approval application shall be accompanied by a Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC), DoC, test reports/certificates, manuals and an application fee.

7.7 Separate applications shall be lodged for apparatus with different models but under same brand name however, NICTA has the discretion to waive this and process the application as one (family) application after it views the details of the application.

7.8 All applications submitted including any supporting documentation must be in English Language. An application that is fully completed and meets all the requirements will be processed within minimum of 3 and maximum 10 working days upon receipt by NICTA.

7.9 Applications submitted without the necessary documentation and application fee will not be accepted. (See details in Schedule 5).

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