NICTA Type Approval

8.0 Fee's Payable

8.1 The applicable type approval fees are charged per equipment model. 

8.2 The non-refundable type approval application fee of K150.00 shall be paid at the time of submission of the application. The examination fee is K150.00/h and the re-examination fee is K75.00/h. NICTA shall inform the applicant if the device proposed to be type approved requires examination or re-examination.

8.3 The fee payable for testing and inspection of apparatus includes an administrative charge and / or hourly rate for man hours engaged on the apparatus as determine by NICTA but not exceeding the rate set out in Schedule 4 (7) of NICT Radio Spectrum Regulation, 2010.

8.4 For equipment with multi-interfaces intended to be used for multipurpose, separate fees of K100.00/interface will be charged for each interface or type of use.

8.5 Equipment with different models but under same brand name shall be charge K100.00/model.

8.6 A fee of K100.00 will be charged for re-issuance of type approval certificate due to changes to the brand name or company name or such changes that may warrant new type approval certificate.

8.7 The fee payment must be by Bank Cheque only or by International bank transfer through SWIFT Code. All payments will be in PNG Kina or US Dollars equivalent.

The payments made by cheque should be:

  • delivered by hand to NICTA Head Office, Frangipani Street, Hohola, NCD; or
  • deposited into NICTA Account with the Bank South Pacific, Boroko branch and email the deposit slip to
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