NICTA Type Approval

9.0 Suppliers declaration of conformity (SDoC)

9.1 The SDoC signifies that the Dealer has carried out its own conformity assessment for the particular equipment model based on independent test data/certification given by the manufacturer or an accredited laboratory or internationally recognized test house to standards recognized by NICTA.

9.2 For the CERS & CCE, the original copy is to be kept by the supplier and the photocopy kept by his dealer(s) for the purpose of inspections by NICTA ICT Inspectors. For CE and SER, the original is to be submitted to NICTA for registration purposes.. The SDoC should have supporting documentation that demonstrates its validity. The supporting documentation should not be sent to NICTA unless it is specifically requested.

9.3 The licensed Dealer shall ensure that the SDoC is authentic and shall not falsify information in the SDoC documents. It is an offence to falsify information in the documents and NICTA shall deal with the offender severely. 

9.4 An example of a suitable format for a Suppliers Declaration of Conformity is given in Schedule 8.

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