NICTA Type Approval

Schedule 5. – Application Requirements For NICTA Approval Schemes


Unless otherwise stated below, the latest published versions of the following Standards listed in Schedule 1, 2 & 3 shall apply. This list is not exhaustive; it gives a general guide of what standards are required in PNG.

Type Approval examination is not required for equipment in this list. EMR, EMC and Safety Standards are for guidance purpose.

Application Requirements Basic Approval Scheme (BAPS) Equipment Registration Scheme
a) A sample Unit of Apparatus X If requested by NICTA If requested by NICTA
b) A completed TA100 Type Approval Application Form. Refer to Schedule 7. √ (Compulsory for CCE) √ (for the purpose of equipment registration )
c) A Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity Form. See Schedule 8. X (applicable to CCE only)
d) A Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity (MDoC) Certificate.
e) Test Reports(including EMC, Electrical Safety & EMR Test Reports, where applicable) Х ( applicable to CCE only)
f) Certification of Conformity issued by Certification Body(including copy of the application for certification that was submitted to CB for apparatus certification) Optional Optional Optional
g) Four Colour Photos capturing front, rear and side views and the product label of the apparatus, which shows trade & product.
h) A Set of Technical Documents consisting of a general description of the apparatus, technical data & other documents as specified in the application form. Х ( applicable to CCE only )
2. Application Fee (per model) Х ( applicable to CCE only ) X
3. Documents Issued after successful completion of Type Approval. X NICTA Type Approval Certificate Letter of Acceptance and Confirmation


  • Х….Not required
  • √….Required
  • BAPS – Basic Approval Scheme
  • CERS – Compulsory Equipment Registration Scheme
  • SERS – Simplified Equipment Registration Scheme
    TA – Type Approval
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